Thursday, November 5, 2009

Class work.... ????

The following takes place in school.... The scene is set in 6th grade, where teacher holds up a note book in her hand showing it to the entire class... Whats so special with the notebook, she turns the pages all the notes are precisely written.. But wait this is not it, she turns them backwards and all that comes out is empty pages with nothing written... The entire classes attention turns to a puny little kid standing in front of the class... This would be the single most embarrassing moment in any kids life... The kid sniffs, wait is he crying (not yet the kid is resilient)... All he wanted to do was to vanish off from the scene without a trace but that was impossible... The only option left was to think.. Think of the times he had not written his notes in class and what had gone wrong and the teacher found out about it...The thought goes deeper...

24hrs earlier....
Teacher: Children please submit your classwork notebooks...
Students one by one go and place their books on the teachers table... Our kid is in a royal dilemma of whether submitting it or not giving it... Either ways he would be screwed... The bulb glows over the head of the kid a flash of an idea... He turns to the page from where he had written his notes and places the book in the middle of the pile just in time, before the teacher gives him a cold glare(Was that a bad omen) well time would tell...

Snapping back to reality, the kid just gets the cold glare again from the teacher.. That was like dejavu from the previous day(does that mean more bad luck)... It was just not his day at all... As every second kept ticking by, while another thought glides over his head...

Half an Hour earlier.......
Teacher: Children please collect back your classworks... She distributes it to everyone one by one...
The kid with a heart in his mouth was just waiting for the moment... Did he get caught...????
Teacher: xxxxxx take your book..
Kid: Takes his note book with a heavy heart and finally takes it back sits back at his place... Looks like the storm is abated... He checks his book it is not corrected... He checks frantically again no red marks at all anywhere... Whats happening here, did the teacher forget to do her classwork for gods sake..???
Kid: (standing up) Mam my book is not corrected(why did i do that, did i just dig my own grave)...
Teacher: Aah come my boy i was waiting for you only...
Kid: Damn man why in the world did i do that.. He takes those steps inching towards his crucifixion...
Teacher: Children look at this notebook (Blank pages turn up)... (Looking at the kid) you must be ashamed of yourself for doing such a thing...
After a grueling session of what to do and what not to do,How the kid is a bad example and people should not follow him, he gets let off provided he finishes his class work the next day...

24 hours later........ (of which 20 sleep less hours for the kid)
In the teachers cabin...
Kid: Mam i have completed by classwork...
Teacher: Just put that book over there and leave...
Kid: (is that it, Why in the world did i write the whole night) Promptly puts the notebook away and walks out.....

For the teacher it was just another day at the school.. For the kid, It was one day that he would want to erase from his school life...


Unknown said...

ah!! too gud man.. i got beating n all.. was made to knee down..! :( .... but reminded of ma school days... good one man..!! was that kid,u..??

Anonymous said...

Haha!! Did the teacher forgot to do her classwork?

Unknown said...

well! im ur fan now :)! too much it was! ur vocabulary..! the wrtin gives way to imagination...! n i read only thoe books whose riters have this capability...!! :) keep it going boy..! i ll be followin u on this! cheers!! :)

Deepak said...

@Swetha: Ya all thats there part of school life.. :) Well that kid was me only.. :D

@Stigacup aka Heman: I seriously thought she forgot to correct dude..

@Madhu: Thank you so much for the comments.. :)

Unknown said...

omg.... stuff like this always happened to me in school...
u write really well by thw way..

Deepak said...

He he he welcome to the club Priyanka... :)