Saturday, October 2, 2010

Mid summer dreams (PART 1) : Evolution

Some stories are meant to be told, some stories are meant to be read but some stories come up from memories, they are ones that are unsaid and untold and remain a secret and are the best ones that anyone could have... Each day goes by without even thinking of things that once remained at the top of the list until one fine day the dust clears up giving you nostalgia and the only thing that would be left with you would be the memories and a single tear drop..... The thought in your mind would be what could you have done differently for things to have been better than what it is now and your brain would signal back blank messages and you would be awe struck by the reality and it hurts... It hurts the maximum when you hit the ground with all the might gravity could ever offer..............

One busy rainy summer afternoon in Bangalore, All Raghu could do was to just sit there in his cubicle, read his old chats and stare out of his window at the rain.... Thinking why does google even save his chats, why did he have to open his old chats to search for some link his friend sent him the previous day all these questions all these questions of why, who, when and how kept ringing as his Manager kept calling out for him....

Manager: Raghu man we need you here there is a damn production defect....
Raghu: still reeling out from the euphoria turned swiftly wiping the only drop of tear and got into his work...

Things were not the same for Raghu as they were now..... After fixing the defect he got up from his seat and went to his Managers cubicle but on his way his eyes as they were trained to do so all the time glanced upon an empty cubicle.... Emptiness is all that he had left in him.... He had friends he had money he had a good life but then the glance at the empty cubicle made his gut feel sick of emptiness and churn out the bile into his stomach...

As soon as he was done with work with great difficulty he managed to get back into his chats which lasted a mile long.... Dont know why but he had a smile a mile long as he shut down his workstation and headed back home with a thought that he had some huge amount of reading to do.... Fiddling through the traffic he could reach home just in time to catch his son Arjun go to sleep.... He had hardly spent time with his family with the amount of work he was doing his beautiful wife Rekha was astonished to see Raghu actually coming early from office that evening.... As they went to bed Raghu promised her he would take care of Arjun the next day and would spend all the time with family at home as Rekha had some shopping to do....

After turning from one side to another the insomnia kept him awake.... So he decided to do something rather than lie down and think... He quickly powered up his laptop and logged into google and started looking at his chats right to the beginning.... The beginning of time it could be called the 9th of June 2010... The date of EVOLUTION.... He just saw the date as Rekha woke up with light from the laptop she got up complaining you cant stay away from that thing and snatched his laptop away and stashed it away.... Raghu then reluctantly went back to bed and lying down thinking of the day that changed his life and went into his emptiness then into a deep sleep........